Spring Fling 2009
BBRC Launches New Boat at its Spring Fling
By Barbara Belanger
When the Buzzards Bay Rowing Club planned its Spring Fling for April 26, no one could have predicted that the early date would provide such a sun filled glorious summer-like day – almost too hot- although no one really complained. More than 50 members and friends assembled at
Baggins End’s riverfront bed and breakfast to celebrate the start of
the Clubs fifth rowing season and the launching of the BBRC’s brand
new Beetle whale boat, The Phoenix, which joins the Kanawha and the Flying Cloud at their new dock at Kelly’s Boatyard.
Basking in the sun, the group feasted on a plethora of soups and breads( who’d thought the temps would be in the 80”s) as well as luscious desserts and a smattering of salads before participating in the sprint races which were made up of randomly drawn crews. Added to the mix was the James Cramer, a sleek, six oared gig, hand crafted by member John Mc Coy.
Earlier in the day various Club members lent their support to an event hosted by the Friends of the Mattapoisett Bike Path by either walking or riding along portions of the Southcoast Pathways Challenge route. A few
even extended the course, heading off to East Fairhaven where they
enjoyed a tranquil ride along country roads enjoying views of horse farms, fields and cranberry bogs and passing over the quaint picturesque stone bridges which crisscross the meandering Mattapoisett River. With magnolias, cherry trees, and forsythias in full color, along with the multitude of other spring blooms, it was truly a feast for the eyes…and, a perfect way to work up an appetite for what awaited them at the Spring Fling.
Once again the BBRC has managed to put on a stellar event, and in the words of the song, “we’ve only just begun”.